Anatomy of a Healer

Anatomy of a Healer
Quantum Healing Through the Soul

The Temple Within

The Temple Within
Who we really are - is Divinity. We are all an extension of something Divine. We should remember that!

About Me

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Vancouver, BC, Canada
Your Cranial System is truly the House of the Soul. Its extending fascia is a magical realm that holds the memory of everything that's ever happened to you - and how to heal it on every level. Your 12 cranial bones are your soul's house of mirrors. Each casts a specific reflection on how your soul being relates to and sees your life.The slightest compression or misalignment, casts a deep shadow on your life. It's hard to see who you are or your path in life and you lose your connection to God or the Divine. Realigning these bones and their fascia, calls your soul back and re-integrates you with your physical, mental, emotional and soul body on the deepest levels. If you are in pain, or your life is a struggle, joy is hard to find and emotions feels stuck, heavy or sad, this is the work for you.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

The Pleiadian Trilogy Meditations
are a Channelled set of 3 progressive Attunements given to Reiki Master and Cranial Healer, Amahra Jaxen. Each Attunement is designed for healing and rebalancing on every level of your body. These Hypnotic Meditations take you deep into the realm of your Inner Physician; the core part of your body that can affect healing and regeneration when properly connected with.
The deeply calming and hypnotic voice of Amahra will guide you through all of the levels of the system needed to complete the Attunements necessary for health and balance. The beautiful orchestral string music in the background is Amahra’s personal soul portrait channelled for her by the incredibly gifted pianist Paul Armitage.
The First Attunement in the Pleiadian Trilogy is now available. It guides you deep into your Central Channel where your soul resides in its brilliant column of light. As you are guided to breathe and drop deeply into this place, your energy body is brought back into present time where healing can begin. Your Inner Physician is connected with and incorporated into the process of opening this place and bringing your energy / soul body more deeply into alignment with your physical body. I play this for my clients through headphones when I start their cranial session. The difference in the ease of calming and releasing their system is amazing! After the Central Channel, each chakra is opened, balanced, and understood one by one, bringing the energy of the colors in to balance your system. Then these colors’ healing powers are merged into your aura, creating the perfect protective cloak in the form of a rainbow around you. It's designed to be played when you get home from work to release the stress of the day and open up the evening for you to feel relaxed and rebalanced.
The Meditation is available for $9 by clicking the bottom PayPal icon on the product page that the link below takes you to. You can download the file right into your computor!
There will soon be a sample clip available on UTube.

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