Anatomy of a Healer

Anatomy of a Healer
Quantum Healing Through the Soul

The Temple Within

The Temple Within
Who we really are - is Divinity. We are all an extension of something Divine. We should remember that!

About Me

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Vancouver, BC, Canada
Your Cranial System is truly the House of the Soul. Its extending fascia is a magical realm that holds the memory of everything that's ever happened to you - and how to heal it on every level. Your 12 cranial bones are your soul's house of mirrors. Each casts a specific reflection on how your soul being relates to and sees your life.The slightest compression or misalignment, casts a deep shadow on your life. It's hard to see who you are or your path in life and you lose your connection to God or the Divine. Realigning these bones and their fascia, calls your soul back and re-integrates you with your physical, mental, emotional and soul body on the deepest levels. If you are in pain, or your life is a struggle, joy is hard to find and emotions feels stuck, heavy or sad, this is the work for you.

Thursday, January 27, 2011


The Lovely Bones

Perfect alignment of the bones in our cranial system and the magical fabric (the Fascia) that suspends them is more critical than you think.
When the fascia twists during whiplash/injury,
the cranial bones pull out of alignment; your reality distorts and you can be left with pain of an unexplained origin. This is because Medicine looks to the superficial, unbelieving of the vital messages coming from the deepest place in our core. The cranial bones and fabric is the home of our soul and our consciousness. Each cranial bone has a specific meaning and impacts your body and your perceptions of life.
The Maxilla Bone
Our maxilla is more commonly known as the upper jaw bone. But it is not just the bone that we see holding our upper teeth.  Look closely at the diagram and notice that your maxilla extends up under the base of your nose at the front, and at the side goes under the cheekbones, forming the opening and the sides of your nose up to the bridge. So quite often a broken nose can actually be a broken maxilla, just ask me, I would know. So a bump or break here distorts and compresses the front of your face. So you will begin to experience the side effects listed below.

The Maxilla (upper jaw)
  • upper limit of the throat soul
  • communication, tenacity, displaying affection or  threatening behavior
  • “you want the truth, I’ll tell you the truth”
  • Being creative in song, poetry and speech
  • Knowing when to be silent.
  • those who know do not talk - those who talk do not know
  • primal imprint of receiving nurturing and unconditional love with mother’s milk
  • upward looking posture of devotion and ecstatic experience
  • holds anger, resentment and loyalty
  • represents gracefulness and poise in physical beauty
  • resentful if we want to speak but need to bite our tongues
  • fear of speaking personal truth for fear of the consequences

If this is happening in your life, scheduling regular cranial sessions will keep you functioning at your optimum level, lift your mood and your energy level and allow you to enjoy your life to the fullest.

Amahra @ SKN Holistic Regeneration Clinic
#150 – 1152 Mainland Street ……604.568.6333

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