Anatomy of a Healer

Anatomy of a Healer
Quantum Healing Through the Soul

The Temple Within

The Temple Within
Who we really are - is Divinity. We are all an extension of something Divine. We should remember that!

About Me

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Vancouver, BC, Canada
Your Cranial System is truly the House of the Soul. Its extending fascia is a magical realm that holds the memory of everything that's ever happened to you - and how to heal it on every level. Your 12 cranial bones are your soul's house of mirrors. Each casts a specific reflection on how your soul being relates to and sees your life.The slightest compression or misalignment, casts a deep shadow on your life. It's hard to see who you are or your path in life and you lose your connection to God or the Divine. Realigning these bones and their fascia, calls your soul back and re-integrates you with your physical, mental, emotional and soul body on the deepest levels. If you are in pain, or your life is a struggle, joy is hard to find and emotions feels stuck, heavy or sad, this is the work for you.

Thursday, February 24, 2011



The top left icon (green) shows an image of frequencies.
The lower icon (purple) shows the same frequencies reversed.

Your body frequency is a symphony of sound and just like an orchestra.,  the total of all of your organ systems – your instruments. But for the body, normal balance would show a horizontal line across the middle. So If your liver is playing sharp (stressed) and your lungs are playing flat (weak), the resulting sound is not harmonius – not healthy, because your body is out of tune.

Let's say that the top image represents the frequency of your body. The "Imprinting Device" records this during the first Imprint. For the second Imprint the polarities are reversed like the bottom image, creating an exact opposite frequency recording and this is sent BACK into the body.

Just as in the realm of Homeopathy, the inverted frequency cancels out the Highs and Lows of the initial imprint, creating Homeostasis in your body. In that moment, we've created your perfect balancing frequency using your body's own feedback. This perfect frequency for you can then be imprinted into a vial of saline water which is worn on the body. Your system reads this continuous Signal which helps to keep it in tune.

As you move towards better balance in your life with supplements and activities, you can re-imprint yourself on a regular basis. The initial vial is re-used each time. 

Imprinting takes only a few moments and the fee is $10. If you wish an imprinted vial with a small cloth jewellery pouch so you can wear the balancing frequency around your neck or in your pocket -the total cost is $20.

See  and click on contact. Vancouver.


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